Since 2015, I have loved K-pop and I have always loved music, so much so that I ever since kindergarten I can remember wanting to become a singer (that didn't work out). Upon discovering K-pop, I guess you could call it my Big Bang. Ironically Big Bang's 'Bang Bang Bang' music video was one of the first few I witnessed.
So now we are here. Almost ten years later and still wanted to pursue music, but from a different perspective. K-pop has been there and pushed me in a sense. I've written college applications with it (and got accepted) and even an academic paper (hint hint). Through Biased, I hope to learn more about how both industry's work, from a marketing perspective as that is what I study, but to also bring together communities from different music genres. Maybe one day, anyways. For now, we learn and grow with these posts. Week by week.